What is easier, making the bed in the morning or leaving it unmade?
Volunteer for a community project or watch TV all weekend? Vacuum, wash, and wax the car or leave it dirty?
The easier decisions reflect the second law of thermodynamics: Every work process tends to a greater state of disrepair over time without fresh injections of new energy.
This law governs physically and emotionally. Leave your car parked in a field and it will rust and ruin. The same is true of your emotional life.
Forget about maintaining the disciplines you've learned, and over time, your life will show more and more signs of deterioration.
The ups and downs of daily life can be overwhelming at times. Dealing with the challenges of an aging parent, a diagnosis of a life-threatening illness, or work-related issues are just one of the few challenges many encounter at some point in their lives.
When trials come, fear and discouragement often come too; which adds more anguish.
Who doesn't like having a special ability, standing out in something that distinguishes them and being recognized for it?
However, why is there this common tendency to hide small imperfections or defects...? Does the defect really exist?
Having defects (physical, intellectual, moral...) is it bad? Or is it just an opportunity, a difficulty to overcome? Is social judgment what we are really concerned about?
What is normal and what is different?
When someone's life changes and is exposed to unexpected circumstances, it's hard to trust that there are other ways of doing things, other ways to remain useful.
The universe provides us with infinite capacities, we are the ones who decide to take advantage of them, or not. Also consider that any difficulty when you postpone it, we really amplify it.
And in the face of a difficulty, we have consolation as an alternative: It consists of something that generates a state of well-being or provides freedom from pain and anxiety.
Following this teaching: As a leader you must take the initiative to support your collaborators in problems or adversities at work.
In order to be a support to your collaborators, you must decide to prepare and train yourself to be ready to point out alternatives for comfort and positive thinking techniques.
It means, give your collaborators the methods of finding solutions to what I call Automatic Negative Thoughts.
People who do not understand the true source of consolation try to escape their pain. And they look for pleasures, material things or drugs and alcohol to calm them down. In addition, you must take into account the following types of resistance that you can observe in your collaborators:
1.- Resistance due to the denial of reality;
2.- Resistance due to the inability to understand the opportunities of a new business format;
3.- Resistance to risk, fear and leaving the comfort zone;
4.- Resistance to change in people or in the leader;
5.- Resistance to reorganization; among others.
But if you teach Acknowledge, Inhale, Release and Realign you can offer relief to your collaborator to handle the crushing pressure of anguish and bring joy in times of affliction. successes!!!